Some things that didn’t happen on that day

  • Nothing ended, continued, or begun.

    Nothing was begun, ended and continued on this day and for nine days afterwards.

  • No battles & no wars were fought.

    There were no wars or battles on this day, nor for nine days afterwards. But the absence of war is a void, not peace.

  • No acts of love, kindness, hatred, or violence.

    No-one acted out of love, kindness, or violence on this day, and for nine days afterwards. No such acts occurred.

  • No taxes.

    No taxes were levied or paid on this day, or for the following nine days.

  • No death. No births.

    There was no death on this day, nor for nine days afterwards. No-one and nothing was born on this day or the nine days that followed.

  • No-one toiled. No-one rested. No-one slept.

    No-one worked or rested on these ten days.

  • No sunrise or sunset, rain or snow.

    The sun did not rise, climb across the heavens and set on this day, and not for nine days afterwards. It neither rained nor snowed on these days.

  • No lies were told. No truths were uttered.

    No lies were told on this day, but no-one spoke the truth either, for that day or the following nine days.

  • Nothing was written. Nothing was read.

    For ten days, nothing was written and nothing was read.